Q01 • My plane has just landed at Schiphol Airport. What country am I in ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q02 • What is the smallest country in Europe ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q03 • Before traveling to Europe, what visa may you need to apply for ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q04 • What only common color can you see on the flags of Germany, Switzerland and Armenia

Correct! Wrong!

Q05 • What currency is the most widely used within the European Union ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q06 • What is the highest point in Europe ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q07 • What country was the famous explorer Ferdinand Magellan from ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q08 • Legends tell that Dracula lived in a castle of Transylvania, which is located in... ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q09 • In which Northern European country can you find many volcanoes and hot springs ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q10 • BONUS +++ In what European country would you like to travel next ?

Correct! Wrong!

Open Question. Give Your answer in the comment section!

Q11• Which of the following European cities is not a national capital?

Correct! Wrong!

Q12• Which country doesn't have McDonald's?

Correct! Wrong!

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