Q01 • New-Zealand is home of a famous rugby team. Its name is... ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q02 • What is the name of the capital of Australia ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q03 • In which country could you walk through the village of the Hobbits ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q04 • Not far from Sydney is a great National Park. It is named... ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q05 • If you are using the CFP Franc as a daily currency, you are more likely traveling in... ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q06 • What South Australian volcano contains the Blue Lake ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q07 • If you've just arrived in Apia, you are traveling to... ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q08 • Kokoda is a dish made of raw fish, coconut cream and lettuce. Where is it from ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q09 • What sport if the australian kangaroo renowned for ?

Correct! Wrong!

Q10 • BONUS +++ In what Oceanian country would you like to travel next ?

Correct! Wrong!

Open Question. Give your answer in the comment section !

Q11 • Which country has no snakes?

Correct! Wrong!

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